A2 Poster

Posters A2

420 x 594mm

Decorative Posters

Advertising Posters

Frame Posters

Illustrations and Fine Art

Vibrant and Consistent Colors.

Quality and Durability



Exclusive Online Store Price



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An A2 poster is a medium-sized promotional material measuring 420mm x 594mm. It's perfect for grabbing the audience's attention. With ample space for striking visuals and essential information, it's ideal for promoting events, products, or art in a visually stunning way. Its larger size makes it perfect for displays in high-traffic areas, and its message is easily comprehensible from a distance. An A2 poster is a powerful promotional tool.


Poster Size: An A2 poster is a medium-sized promotional material measuring 420mm x 594mm (16.5 x 23.4 inches). It offers ample space for impactful visuals and detailed information.


Design and Purpose:


  • A2 posters are ideal for grabbing attention in high-traffic areas such as trade shows, conferences, storefronts, or events.


  • The larger size allows for eye-catching graphics, vibrant images, and bold text that can effectively convey your message.


  • Use the poster to promote events, product launches, art exhibitions, or informational content.


  • A2 posters are often used to showcase artwork, photography, or infographics due to their substantial size.


Key Elements:



  • Choose a compelling headline or central message that is easy to read from a distance.


  • Incorporate high-quality images or graphics that relate to your message or event.


  • Include essential details such as date, time, venue, contact information, and a call-to-action.


  • Use a clean and organized layout to ensure that the information is easily digestible.


  • Consider your brand colors and fonts for consistency.


Visual Impact:



  • Due to its size, an A2 poster can make a strong visual impact, drawing people's attention from a distance.


  • Ensure high-resolution images and crisp graphics for a professional look.


  • Use contrasting colors to make text and visuals stand out.


  • Add a border or background color that complements the design.





  • Display A2 posters in strategic locations where your target audience is likely to see them.


  • Consider using poster boards, easels, or frames for a polished presentation.


  • Distribute them at events, in public spaces, or within your business location.


Call to Action:



  • Encourage readers to take action based on the poster's content. This could be visiting a website, attending an event, making a purchase, or contacting you for more information.


Remember that an A2 poster provides ample space to make a visual impact and deliver your message effectively. Tailor the design and content to suit your specific promotional goals and target audience.

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